A sophisticated data transformation tool for generating column pair combinations and creating nested data structures with advanced configuration options.

c2p_nest(data, cols2bind, by = NULL, pairs_n = 2, sep = "-", nest_type = "dt")



Input data frame or data table

  • Must contain valid columns for transformation

  • Supports multiple data types


Column specification for pair generation

  • Can be a character vector of column names

  • Can be a numeric vector of column indices

  • Must reference existing columns in the dataset


Optional grouping specification

  • Can be a character vector of column names

  • Can be a numeric vector of column indices

  • Enables hierarchical nested transformations

  • Supports multi-level aggregation

  • Default is NULL


numeric indicating combination size

  • Minimum value: 2

  • Maximum value: Length of cols2bind

  • Controls column pair complexity

  • Default is 2


character separator for pair naming

  • Used in generating combination identifiers

  • Must be a single character

  • Default is "-"


Output nesting format

  • "dt": Returns nested data table (default)

  • "df": Returns nested data frame


data table containing nested transformation results

  • Includes pairs column identifying column combinations

  • Contains data column storing nested data structures

  • Supports optional grouping variables


Advanced Transformation Mechanism:

  1. Input validation and preprocessing

  2. Dynamic column combination generation

  3. Flexible pair transformation

  4. Nested data structure creation

Transformation Process:

  • Validate input parameters and column specifications

  • Convert numeric indices to column names if necessary

  • Generate column combinations

  • Create subset data tables

  • Merge and nest transformed data

Column Specification:

  • Supports both column names and numeric indices

  • Numeric indices must be within valid range (1 to ncol)

  • Column names must exist in the dataset

  • Flexible specification for both cols2bind and by parameters


Key Operation Constraints:

  • Requires non-empty input data

  • Column specifications must be valid (either names or indices)

  • Supports flexible combination strategies

  • Computational complexity increases with combination size

See also


# Example data preparation: Define column names for combination
col_names <- c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length")

# Example 1: Basic column-to-pairs nesting with custom separator
  iris,                   # Input iris dataset
  cols2bind = col_names,  # Columns to be combined as pairs
  pairs_n = 2,            # Create pairs of 2 columns
  sep = "&"               # Custom separator for pair names
#>                        pairs                data
#>                       <char>              <list>
#> 1:  Sepal.Length&Sepal.Width <data.table[150x4]>
#> 2: Sepal.Length&Petal.Length <data.table[150x4]>
#> 3:  Sepal.Width&Petal.Length <data.table[150x4]>
# Returns a nested data.table where:
# - pairs: combined column names (e.g., "Sepal.Length&Sepal.Width")
# - data: list column containing data.tables with value1, value2 columns

# Example 2: Column-to-pairs nesting with numeric indices and grouping
  iris,                   # Input iris dataset
  cols2bind = 1:3,        # First 3 columns to be combined
  pairs_n = 2,            # Create pairs of 2 columns
  by = 5                  # Group by 5th column (Species)
#>                        pairs    Species               data
#>                       <char>     <fctr>             <list>
#> 1:  Sepal.Length-Sepal.Width     setosa <data.table[50x3]>
#> 2:  Sepal.Length-Sepal.Width versicolor <data.table[50x3]>
#> 3:  Sepal.Length-Sepal.Width  virginica <data.table[50x3]>
#> 4: Sepal.Length-Petal.Length     setosa <data.table[50x3]>
#> 5: Sepal.Length-Petal.Length versicolor <data.table[50x3]>
#> 6: Sepal.Length-Petal.Length  virginica <data.table[50x3]>
#> 7:  Sepal.Width-Petal.Length     setosa <data.table[50x3]>
#> 8:  Sepal.Width-Petal.Length versicolor <data.table[50x3]>
#> 9:  Sepal.Width-Petal.Length  virginica <data.table[50x3]>
# Returns a nested data.table where:
# - pairs: combined column names
# - Species: grouping variable
# - data: list column containing data.tables grouped by Species