import functionsimport csv or xlsx |
Flexible |
Import Data from |
main functionsmain functions |
Reshape Wide Data to Long Format and Nest by Specified Columns |
Reshape Wide Data to Long Format and Split into List |
Apply Cross-Validation to Nested Data |
Cross-Validation Split Generator |
Column to Pair Nested Transformation |
Row to Pair Nested Transformation |
Convert Nested Columns Between |
Export Nested Data with Advanced Grouping and Flexible Handling |
Export List with Advanced Directory Management |
other useful functionsother useful functions |
Select Top Percentage of Data and Statistical Summarization |
Extract Filenames from File Paths |
Extract Specific Segments from File Paths |
Format Numeric Columns with Specified Digits |
data example functionsdata example functions |
Get path to mintyr examples |
List all available example files in mintyr package |
Update Nedap Dataset with Current Date |
Update Fire Dataset with Current Date |
nedap |
fire |