The get_filename function extracts filenames from file paths with options to remove file extensions and/or directory paths.

get_filename(paths, rm_extension = TRUE, rm_path = TRUE)



A character vector containing file system paths. Must be valid and accessible path strings.


A logical flag controlling file extension removal:

  • TRUE: Strips file extensions from filenames

  • FALSE: Preserves complete filename with extension Default is TRUE.


A logical flag managing directory path handling:

  • TRUE: Extracts only the filename, discarding directory information

  • FALSE: Retains complete path information Default is TRUE.


A character vector of processed filenames with applied transformations.


The function performs the following operations:

  • Validates input paths

  • Handles empty input vectors

  • Optionally removes directory paths using basename

  • Optionally removes file extensions using regex substitution


  • If both rm_extension and rm_path are FALSE, a warning is issued and the original paths are returned

  • Supports multiple file paths in the input vector

See also


# Example: File path processing demonstrations

# Setup test files
xlsx_files <- mintyr_example(
  mintyr_examples("xlsx_test")    # Get example Excel files

# Example 1: Extract filenames without extensions
  xlsx_files,                     # Input file paths
  rm_extension = TRUE,            # Remove file extensions
  rm_path = TRUE                  # Remove directory paths
#> [1] "xlsx_test1" "xlsx_test2"

# Example 2: Keep file extensions
  xlsx_files,                     # Input file paths
  rm_extension = FALSE,           # Keep file extensions
  rm_path = TRUE                  # Remove directory paths
#> [1] "xlsx_test1.xlsx" "xlsx_test2.xlsx"

# Example 3: Keep full paths without extensions
  xlsx_files,                     # Input file paths
  rm_extension = TRUE,            # Remove file extensions
  rm_path = FALSE                 # Keep directory paths
#> [1] "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/mintyr/extdata/xlsx_test1"
#> [2] "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/mintyr/extdata/xlsx_test2"