The format_digits function formats numeric columns in a data frame or data table by rounding numbers to a specified number of decimal places and converting them to character strings. It can optionally format the numbers as percentages.

format_digits(data, cols = NULL, digits = 2, percentage = FALSE)



A data.frame or data.table. The input data containing numeric columns to format.


An optional numeric or character vector specifying the columns to format. If NULL (default), all numeric columns are formatted.


A non-negative integer specifying the number of decimal places to use. Defaults to 2.


A logical value indicating whether to format the numbers as percentages. If TRUE, the numbers are multiplied by 100 and a percent sign (%) is appended. Defaults to FALSE.


A data.table with the specified numeric columns formatted as character strings with the specified number of decimal places. If percentage = TRUE, the numbers are shown as percentages.


The function performs the following steps:

  1. Validates the input parameters, ensuring that data is a data.frame or data.table, cols (if provided) are valid column names or indices, and digits is a non-negative integer.

  2. Converts data to a data.table if it is not already one.

  3. Creates a formatting function based on the digits and percentage parameters:

    • If percentage = FALSE, numbers are rounded to digits decimal places.

    • If percentage = TRUE, numbers are multiplied by 100, rounded to digits decimal places, and a percent sign (%) is appended.

  4. Applies the formatting function to the specified columns:

    • If cols is NULL, the function formats all numeric columns in data.

    • If cols is specified, only those columns are formatted.

  5. Returns a new data.table with the formatted columns.


  • The input data must be a data.frame or data.table.

  • If cols is specified, it must be a vector of valid column names or indices present in data.

  • The digits parameter must be a single non-negative integer.

  • The original data is not modified; a modified copy is returned.


# Example: Number formatting demonstrations

# Setup test data
dt <- data.table::data.table(
  a = c(0.1234, 0.5678),      # Numeric column 1
  b = c(0.2345, 0.6789),      # Numeric column 2
  c = c("text1", "text2")     # Text column

# Example 1: Format all numeric columns
  dt,                         # Input data table
  digits = 2                  # Round to 2 decimal places
#>         a      b      c
#>    <char> <char> <char>
#> 1:   0.12   0.23  text1
#> 2:   0.57   0.68  text2

# Example 2: Format specific column as percentage
  dt,                         # Input data table
  cols = c("a"),              # Only format column 'a'
  digits = 2,                 # Round to 2 decimal places
  percentage = TRUE           # Convert to percentage
#>         a      b      c
#>    <char>  <num> <char>
#> 1: 12.34% 0.2345  text1
#> 2: 56.78% 0.6789  text2