• added a NEWS.md file to track changes to the package.
  • create two functions which named download_free_hands() and download_free_brain.
  • combine two functions in pptsdd 0.1.2 into one function, named download_csv_auto(). In this version, improved the function structure, downloading the csv files according data date. You can freely download CSV files according to your ideas, such as downloading one or more pig performance test stations each day, downloading the same pig performance test station or multiple pig performance test stations for multiple dates in download_csv_auto()
  • create a new function named download_csv_schedule(). You can download csv files of pig performance test stations according to specific time and date.
  • add argument checking in every function.
  • add a progress bar in download_csv_schedule().
  • change the default download folder in download_csv_auto(), You can set download folder as you want.
  • pptsdd v0.1.5 can only be used with the Chrome browser.
  • connect_to_browser() and disconnect_from_browser() has been modified to be based on the wdauto package, improving the stability of chromedriver and selenium server downloads.
  • connect_to_browser() has already removed the download of Edgedriver and selenium server.
  • you can initiate and restart the Selenium WebDriver service in the Edge browser using pptsdd V0.1.4. However, you must first download the Edge browser driver.
  • create a hexagon sticker for pptsdd website.