wdauto is an R package that allows windows users to manage the downloading and running of third party binaries relating to the webdriver/selenium projects using Google browser. The package was inspired by wdman and my work pptsdd.get_cd() and get_ss() are used to download chromedriver and selenium server respectively. auto_cs() is used to start the selenium webdriver service. reset_cs() is used to reset the selenium webdriver service.

The downloading of binaries is handled by the httr2 package and rvest package, and the running of the binaries as processes is handled by generating a .bat file, which is placed in the Windows startup folder.

The wdauto package currently manages the following binaries:


You can install the development version of wdauto from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")
# install.packages("pak")


This is a basic example which shows you how to start a selenium webdriver server:


## download chromedriver
get_cd(dest_dir = "path/to/destination/directory")
## download selenium server
get_ss(dest_dir = "path/to/destination/directory")
## start selenium webdriver service
auto_cs(dest_dir = "path/to/destination/directory")
## reset selenium webdriver